Official CNC Course Calendar

Course Calendar

The academic calendar contains the latest official information about all programs and courses offered by CNC.

Academic Calendar 2023-24

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Calendar Archive

The Fine Print

The online version of the College of New Caledonia Program Guide and Course Calendar is the official version. In the event of a conflict between the printed version and the online version, the online version will prevail. Copies of the online version are archived on an ongoing basis and kept in a separate, secure location in case any discrepancies arise.

Declaration of Waiver

This Calendar lists the full range of university transfer, career/technical, trades, applied and upgrading programs offered at CNC. The College reserves the right to revise the statements and offerings made in this Calendar as dictated by events, and without restricting the generality of the foregoing, the College of New Caledonia reserves the right to implement changes as required, including the cancellation or adjustment of programs and courses, and changes in organizational structure, regulations, services, and fees. The College of New Caledonia expressly denies responsibility or liability to any person or persons who may suffer loss or may be otherwise adversely affected by any modification to the information herein. We attempt to keep this Calendar current; however, please check with the Office of Admissions, Registration and Records for any updates before registering. The statements in this Calendar are not to be regarded as an irrevocable contract between the student and the College of New Caledonia.

Photo Credits

Thank you to the CNC staff members who provided photographs for the current Program Guide and Course Calendar.